Training Principles, Part Seven - Basic Sprint Mechanics

By James Walker CCS, STM, BioSig, Master Trainer

 If you’re not blessed to have a biomechanics coach or fortunate enough to work with a competent sprint coach, no one explains or teaches you correct sprint mechanics. Even having a speed & conditioning coach you may not receive the technical or biomechanical information necessary to improve sprinting. Instead you may get an over indulgence of volume running or gimmick training. I’m not suggesting that some devices can’t enhance your speed but they should be a supplement to proper mechanics, structural integrity, muscle fiber recruitment, and overall strength. Here are the basics of sprinting.

1. Sprint Running Mechanics – to run at a fast pace that requires a high or intense neuromuscular effort. The basics of sprinting can be summed up into three phases - start phase, drive phase, and acceleration phase.

a) Start Phase - may be from a two, three, or four point stance, requiring strength and power to over come inertia. Below is a checklist of proper mechanics:

·      Head position-should be down with chin near the collar and neck relaxed.

·      Torso position-(two & three point stances) should be achieved with the hips being higher than the head or hips raised with the shoulders slightly forward of the hands.

·      Arm & hand position-finger tips or hands should be on the line (in a four point stance) or the opposite side hand to the front foot (in a three point stance) with the other arm extended back slightly higher than the hips.

·      Leg & feet position-should be determined by the feet position close (bunched), medium, or elongated. The front foot should be approximately one foots length from the start line with a 90 degree knee angle, while the back foot should be positioned to allow a 120 degree knee angle (this is also the stronger and/or more coordinated leg. Both heels are raised with the front bearing the most weight.

b) Drive Phase - coming out of the start to over come inertia from the stationary position or stance to achieve a 45-degree body lean angle.

·      Head position-should be looking down at the ground but relaxed (the head position dictates the body or torso position).

·      Torso position-should be 45 degree lean angle.

·      Arm & hand position-should be relaxed with a 90 degree angle at the elbow and strong powerful alternating elbow drive to the rear on the backswing.

·      Leg & feet position-feet should be dorsiflexed (toes and ankles pulled up toward the shins) with the ball of the foot (forefoot) striking the ground behind the hips. The legs should drive down toward the ground in a powerful motion (like auto pistons or punching the heavy bag) after the heel is pulled up into the hamstring area (this actually precedes the leg drive). Tighter knee angle and knee lift equals greater striking force. The first few foot strike are critical, they must be powerful and explosive (importance of leg, hip, back, & core strength).

c) Acceleration Phase - post drive phase to reach the maximum running speedwith a 70 degree body lean angle.

·      Head position-should be neutral with the chin level to the ground but relaxed (the head position dictates the body or torso position).

·      Torso position-should be 70 degree lean angle.

·      Arm & hand position-should be relaxed with a 90 degree angle at the elbow and strong powerful alternating elbow drive to the rear on the backswing. The hand or fist should automatically return into the front-swing but only to shoulder level.

·      Leg & feet position-feet should be dorsiflexed (toes and ankles pulled up toward the shins) with the ball of the foot (forefoot) striking the ground under the hips. The legs should drive down toward the ground in a powerful drive motion (focus on striking the ground under the hips) after the heel is pulled up into the hamstring area, which facilitates knee lift or a tight knee angle (this actually precedes the leg drive). Tighter knee angle and knee lift equals greater striking force.

‘Train Safe, Smart, & Results Driven’

Training Principles, Part Three -Principles Of Exercise Science Con’t

By James Walker CCS, STM, BioSig, Master Trainer

Training principles of exercise science con’t…

7. Muscle Balance – each muscle action or group has an opposite muscle action or group (agonist vs. antagonist).

·      e.g. triceps vs. biceps, must maintain a mutual balance in strength and flexibility to function properly.

·      In performance activity the antagonist muscles may act as a brake to slow down acceleration e.g. the elbow flexors act as a brake to the elbow extensors in a punch, so they need to be strong to perform this task.

·      Demonstrate-a throw or punch or sprint.

8. Muscle Fiber Type and Energy System – there are two basic muscle fiber types, slow twitch (IA) and fast twitch (IIAo, IIA & IIB). Each muscle fiber type has a corresponding energy system that supplies it and determines its action and performance parameters.

·      Slow twitch (IA) utilizes oxygen (aerobic) as its primary energy source, 3 minutes or longer duration and has an intensity threshold of 25% or less of the persons strength capacity and is used during postural and endurance activities.

·      Fast twitch oxidative glycolytic IIAo utilizes glycogen (anaerobic) and oxygen (aerobic) as its energy sources and is strength endurance oriented, 2 to 3 minutes in duration and has an intensity of 25% to 60% of a person’s maximal strength capacity.

·      Fast twitch glycolytic IIA utilizes glycogen (anaerobic) as its primary energy source and is strength oriented, 13 to 30 seconds in duration and has an intensity of 60% to 85% of a person’s maximal strength capacity.

·      Fast twitch phosphogenic IIB utilizes creatine phosphate (CP) and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) (anaerobic) as its primary energy sources and is explosive-power oriented, 1 to 12 seconds in duration and has an intensity threshold of 85% to 100% of a person’s maximal strength capacity.

·      Examples: 25-50 mile race vs.800-1500 meters vs. 200-400 meters vs. 50-100 meters sprint.

9. Muscle Receptors and Sensors – within the muscles there are various receptors and sensors (proprioceptors) that perform specific tasks e.g.,

·      vestibular receptors- measure balance and equilibrium;

·      muscle spindle- measures change in muscle fiber length and change in muscle fiber speed;

·      Golgi tendon organ- measures the range of motion (rom) or stretch in muscle tendons;

·      Ruffini receptors- measures the position of the muscle and joint in relation to space;

·      Pacinian corpuscle- measures the tension and pressure within the muscle fiber and tendon.

·      All of these sensors relay information from the muscles to the spinal cord and/or to the brain or central nervous system. In turn the appropriate muscle response occurs. 

‘Train Safe, Smart, & Results Driven’

Training Principles, Part Two - Principles Of Exercise Science

By James Walker CCS, STM, BioSig, Master Trainer

There are quite a few scientific principles that apply to training. I will list some of my favorites that I use daily.

1. Central Nervous System Training (CNST) – is made up of the brain, spinal cord, nerve pathways, and sensors to the muscles and organs.

·      The impulse or signal to the muscles from the spinal cord is called neural drive, involving motor or efferent neurons, nerve fibers, motor units, motoneurons, and muscle fibers.

·      Things that interrupt and obstruct neural drive are poor posture, improper form, flexibility and strength imbalances, nerve injury, and scar tissue.

·      Demonstrate-ROM with proper vs. poor flexibility, seated rotation or elbow retraction

2. Critical Drop Off (CDO) – after the first set If the rep number drops by more than 2, e.g., from 6 to 3 reps or 20-30%, the particular exercise should be discontinued.

·      This drop off indicates neuromuscular exhaustion so stopping will prevent over training, reduce the possibility of injury, and allow the super compensation process to begin. So move on or continue with the next exercise.

3. Exercise Variation (EV) – by varying the exercises for each cycle over training and muscle imbalance can be significantly reduced.

·      For example during workout cycle one a flat chest press can be performed and for workout cycle two an incline press can be done.

·      Exercise variation may include changes in exercise selection, or changes in hand, foot, limb angle, or body position, and in apparatus type.

4. Faulty Muscle Recruitment (FMR) and Loading Patterns – faulty muscle recruitment occurs as a result of performing a task incorrectly and may be caused by:

·      Scar tissue present within the muscle which impedes its ability to function normally.

·      A muscle imbalance that effects the neural drive to the muscle.

·      Using too heavy a load so that the appropriate muscles can not perform the task.

·      Continuing to train while not addressing any of the previous issues or several other factors.

·      Remember how you practice will influence how you play and perform.

5. Faulty Loading Patterns (FLP) and Muscle Type Response – stability muscles also known as postural or tonic muscles tend to shorten and tighten under faulty or improper loading.

·      Their composition seems to be mostly slow twitch or IA type fibers.

·      While the dynamic, explosive, or phasic muscles tend to lengthen and weaken under faulty loading.

·      They seem to be made up of a predominance of fast twitch IIB and IIA fibers.

·      This is the general rule but some muscles may have dual roles and have a composition of several fiber types.

6. Muscle Action Response (MAR) – most muscles will be comprised of both fast and slow twitch fibers, however the percentages or ratios will vary based on genetics, and muscle group but training will affect it’s development.

·      E.g., fast vs. slow ratio may be 40:60 or 50:50 or 60:40 or 70:30, this will determine your athletic preference and possible physical training potential.

·      Muscles that flex joint angles like the arm and leg biceps tend to be comprised of mostly fast twitch fibers.

·      While muscles that extend the joint like the leg quadriceps and lower back erectors will have a greater endurance capacity.

·      Remember this is the general rule, individuals need to be tested to determine their specific muscle response.

‘Train Safe, Smart, & Results Driven’