Olympic Lifts In The Gym!

By James Walker CCS, STM, Biosig, Master Trainer

Olympic lifting! Olympic lifts and their variations such as the clean, clean and jerk, deadlift, jerk press, power pulls, snatch, etc are great exercises for athletics, fitness, and structural balance. When performed correctly they yield precise crossover results for jumping, power, speed, sports, and structural strength.

I see trainers and athletes performing them but with incorrect concept and technique that does something altogether different or that may lead to an injury.

YouTube and the web have great instructional videos now, that explain the concept and correct technique. Please search these: Tommy Kono-former Olympic weightlifter,   coach, and judge, has a six part series; Chad Ikei-former Olympic weightlifter and strength-performance coach, has a two part series; Cara Head-retired Olympic weightlifter, now coach, has several training videos; All Things Gym; Barbell Shrugged; Breaking Muscle; Catalyst Athletics; and Power Clean Bible; all have very clear instructional videos, along with written commentary.

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